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Over the years, Dr. Seshat has received profound wisdom from the ancestors and ascended masters who dwell in the spirit realms. She is a scribe, on assignment, guided to transmit these messages to the physical realm. You may be able to perceive the healing energy that helps to align those who read these words.
In the message shared below, Dr. Seshat's spirit name and identity, Seshat, is revealed. Dr. Seshat has been receiving messages from Tehuti, the Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) deity who is known as the god of wisdom, the scribe of the gods. He is also associated with truth, mathematics, and astrology. Seshat embodies Tehuti's characteristics in a feminine form. Below Dr. Seshat receives a message from Tehuti and learns of her connection to this goddess.
In the message shared below, Dr. Seshat's spirit name and identity, Seshat, is revealed. Dr. Seshat has been receiving messages from Tehuti, the Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) deity who is known as the god of wisdom, the scribe of the gods. He is also associated with truth, mathematics, and astrology. Seshat embodies Tehuti's characteristics in a feminine form. Below Dr. Seshat receives a message from Tehuti and learns of her connection to this goddess.
More messages can be found in Dr. Seshat's books.
“It is I, Seshat ( I find myself saying), High Priestess of Tehuti, Keeper of Time, scribe, Vessel of the Word.
I come to you for more answers for my people, here on Earth.”
I sound a bell, a candle is lit.
Tehuti appears, once again he presents me with the diamond sword (as he had done in the past).
In this moment I accept it, unflinchingly, with the understanding that I am a vessel worthy of its ownership.
A worthy bearer.
I prepare to insert it, into my sheath, yet I find myself wielding it, taking several swipes toward Tehuti. Then lunging in all directions, slicing the air.
“Cutting away that which is false.” I hear the words of my soul retrieval healing of the past.
I focus on my question.
“Today I have come to ask about birth.”
I place my hand on Tehuti’s heart to increase my clarity. I feel his immense love for me. I understand that I am, at times, overwhelmed by his love, just as I am overwhelmed by the love of others at times, on this plane.
I must slow down and ground myself and embrace love. Embrace my power.
As I continue to focus on the concept of birth, I see clear tubes surrounding us, each one containing a human. There is a sense of gestation.
Yes, we all have interstellar origins.
We are all the fruit of an interstellar being, a being not of Earth origins, here, with a mission.
A cosmic mission, if you will.
And yes. To understand and live out your cosmic mission is to know who you are, and to feel whole.
That is why the truth must be sought above all else:
The truth of our origins, the truth of our missions. Our mission.
And so, when we ask, at parties, ‘So, what is your name, where are you from, what do you do?’
These are valid questions.
Who are you? Where are you from? What are you here to do?
Ask this every day, every moment, until you know.
And when you know,
Once you know, you must seize every opportunity to enact your mission.
This is when things work.
This is when it all falls into place
Understanding our cosmic identity.
And do not get caught up in your Earthly reactions to all of this.
‘Oh, I am so great, I understand my cosmic identity! I am superior to those lower beings! This is so intense! This is scary! This is overwhelming! We need to take control!’
You will encounter these sentiments.
However, that is those who have only a fraction of the knowledge.
Those who have greater knowledge will be much more calm, much more quiet. Much more humble.
They will understand the simplicity of knowing reality, the simple necessity.
I return to my question concerning birth.
Yes once all beings are awakened to their interstellar origins, many of life’s mysteries will be clarified.
We will all be in contact with our places of origin, our true communities.
New tribes will form based on stellar origins, and collaboration will be harmonious.
We will restore the lush purity of this beautiful planet, and love will be the law of land.
I ask about today’s assignment, the Sacred Circle (our gathering).
Today you all must take an interest in your interstellar origins, your stellar connection in this birth.
Acquaint yourself with the knowledge that is being imparted from “abroad.”
Become an interstellar scholar, an interstellar citizen.
And let love be your compass.
After advising me concerning more mundane matters, Tehuti shared a more prophetic message concerning human history. I then inquire about my connection to Seshat.
I announce my arrival.
“It is I, Seshat, scribe, High Priestess of Tehuti, vessel of The Word.”
I appear before Tehuti in the hills of Jamaica.
I ask how I can have more clarity.
He pours diamond powder on me and we emerge in my “snowy” Upper Realm.
I am in a gown of diamond fibers, with a diamond-studded crown. I have wings of white feathers and I bear a long, crystal wand.
We bow to each other,
He lets me know that I must work harder on trance-scribing the Word. I must work harder on the book, produce a Tehuti deck, a blog of sorts; all available means to become more visible…a newsletter.
He begins to carve into the crystal “ice” below us.
First there was The Word, The Way
And out of The Word sprang all of creation.
All of the creatures that crawl upon the face of the Earth.
And they would forget that they are one. And warring tribes would emerge.
And peace would be restored from above; from our Higher natures.
We began to look above and with-out as we lost the divinity within us. Our connection was broken.
But we have only to re-turn to the source within us.
To meditate, to re-member.
To be the medium to invoke our Higher Selves.
There is no need to wonder how others will find the motivation to turn within
The motivation is always there. It is planted within us. It is inherent to who we are, as humans.
And it is becoming more apparent each day that to turn with-out it to be without. To be without.
To actually begin to become the torturous deprivation we flee.
And so, some willingly and others out of desperation will turn within.
They will enter the sacred pyramid of the Higher Self and there they will find vast riches.
And so you can gently cajole those among you who are the most lost, to invite them to try something different.
Let them know that it is apparent that other methods have not worked. That they need only look within themselves and honestly ask if their methods have worked.
Ask them if they truly believe that they are so empty.
Do you truly believe that you were born with some fundamental lack? Do you truly believe that you would forever be plagued with the insatiable desire to run about, chasing external things to complete you? Would the brilliant force that created you implant such a terminal flaw?
NO! Absolutely Not!
You are complete.
And you should question the motives of anyone who would have you believe otherwise.
It is the belief that you are damaged that causes damage.
Re-member your wholeness.
Re-member your perfection.
Go within and find yourself.
Go within and find your perfect self, your whole self.
You are the one you desire.
You are all you desire, all you could ever desire. You are all.
I inquire about Seshat.
He pours more diamond powder on me.
My locks become longer and thicker, more full. My gown is now of leopard skin, with long sleeves. I bear a staff with a falcon that transforms into a writing instrument.
You trance-scribe words of light.
You trance-scribe The Word.
You must see your writing chamber.
I am surrounded by stone walls, the Mtu Ntr.
I dip my plume into liquid gold, liquid light, the feather of Maat, words of light, sacred symbols.
These symbols of light are The Word.
They are light itself.
They have life within them.
They crawl across the page, they dance and sing.
They trance form.
The purpose of words is to trance form.
To help us to remember.
To restore us to wholeness.
To trance port us to our divine beginnings.
I am Seshat, bearer of the Word.
You, Jewelie, need only remember.
You, Jewelie, needed only to
To be restored to wholeness.
Re-stored to your proper vessel.
To your purest essence.
To your golden vessel.
You are the sacred shrine that encases the word.
The holy shrine whose walls reverberate with the sacred mantras.
Inscribed on your walls is truth itself.
Truth itself, inscribed, imbibed.
You have been a sacred shrine.
You have always been a sacred shrine.
You have always housed The Word.
House The Word.
Walk each moment as that sacred vessel of truth.
From the place of knowingness the purest truth of every moment will be revealed.
Walk, always, as that sacred shrine of truth,
All rights reserved
© Spooner 2009
“It is I, Seshat ( I find myself saying), High Priestess of Tehuti, Keeper of Time, scribe, Vessel of the Word.
I come to you for more answers for my people, here on Earth.”
I sound a bell, a candle is lit.
Tehuti appears, once again he presents me with the diamond sword (as he had done in the past).
In this moment I accept it, unflinchingly, with the understanding that I am a vessel worthy of its ownership.
A worthy bearer.
I prepare to insert it, into my sheath, yet I find myself wielding it, taking several swipes toward Tehuti. Then lunging in all directions, slicing the air.
“Cutting away that which is false.” I hear the words of my soul retrieval healing of the past.
I focus on my question.
“Today I have come to ask about birth.”
I place my hand on Tehuti’s heart to increase my clarity. I feel his immense love for me. I understand that I am, at times, overwhelmed by his love, just as I am overwhelmed by the love of others at times, on this plane.
I must slow down and ground myself and embrace love. Embrace my power.
As I continue to focus on the concept of birth, I see clear tubes surrounding us, each one containing a human. There is a sense of gestation.
Yes, we all have interstellar origins.
We are all the fruit of an interstellar being, a being not of Earth origins, here, with a mission.
A cosmic mission, if you will.
And yes. To understand and live out your cosmic mission is to know who you are, and to feel whole.
That is why the truth must be sought above all else:
The truth of our origins, the truth of our missions. Our mission.
And so, when we ask, at parties, ‘So, what is your name, where are you from, what do you do?’
These are valid questions.
Who are you? Where are you from? What are you here to do?
Ask this every day, every moment, until you know.
And when you know,
Once you know, you must seize every opportunity to enact your mission.
This is when things work.
This is when it all falls into place
Understanding our cosmic identity.
And do not get caught up in your Earthly reactions to all of this.
‘Oh, I am so great, I understand my cosmic identity! I am superior to those lower beings! This is so intense! This is scary! This is overwhelming! We need to take control!’
You will encounter these sentiments.
However, that is those who have only a fraction of the knowledge.
Those who have greater knowledge will be much more calm, much more quiet. Much more humble.
They will understand the simplicity of knowing reality, the simple necessity.
I return to my question concerning birth.
Yes once all beings are awakened to their interstellar origins, many of life’s mysteries will be clarified.
We will all be in contact with our places of origin, our true communities.
New tribes will form based on stellar origins, and collaboration will be harmonious.
We will restore the lush purity of this beautiful planet, and love will be the law of land.
I ask about today’s assignment, the Sacred Circle (our gathering).
Today you all must take an interest in your interstellar origins, your stellar connection in this birth.
Acquaint yourself with the knowledge that is being imparted from “abroad.”
Become an interstellar scholar, an interstellar citizen.
And let love be your compass.
After advising me concerning more mundane matters, Tehuti shared a more prophetic message concerning human history. I then inquire about my connection to Seshat.
I announce my arrival.
“It is I, Seshat, scribe, High Priestess of Tehuti, vessel of The Word.”
I appear before Tehuti in the hills of Jamaica.
I ask how I can have more clarity.
He pours diamond powder on me and we emerge in my “snowy” Upper Realm.
I am in a gown of diamond fibers, with a diamond-studded crown. I have wings of white feathers and I bear a long, crystal wand.
We bow to each other,
He lets me know that I must work harder on trance-scribing the Word. I must work harder on the book, produce a Tehuti deck, a blog of sorts; all available means to become more visible…a newsletter.
He begins to carve into the crystal “ice” below us.
First there was The Word, The Way
And out of The Word sprang all of creation.
All of the creatures that crawl upon the face of the Earth.
And they would forget that they are one. And warring tribes would emerge.
And peace would be restored from above; from our Higher natures.
We began to look above and with-out as we lost the divinity within us. Our connection was broken.
But we have only to re-turn to the source within us.
To meditate, to re-member.
To be the medium to invoke our Higher Selves.
There is no need to wonder how others will find the motivation to turn within
The motivation is always there. It is planted within us. It is inherent to who we are, as humans.
And it is becoming more apparent each day that to turn with-out it to be without. To be without.
To actually begin to become the torturous deprivation we flee.
And so, some willingly and others out of desperation will turn within.
They will enter the sacred pyramid of the Higher Self and there they will find vast riches.
And so you can gently cajole those among you who are the most lost, to invite them to try something different.
Let them know that it is apparent that other methods have not worked. That they need only look within themselves and honestly ask if their methods have worked.
Ask them if they truly believe that they are so empty.
Do you truly believe that you were born with some fundamental lack? Do you truly believe that you would forever be plagued with the insatiable desire to run about, chasing external things to complete you? Would the brilliant force that created you implant such a terminal flaw?
NO! Absolutely Not!
You are complete.
And you should question the motives of anyone who would have you believe otherwise.
It is the belief that you are damaged that causes damage.
Re-member your wholeness.
Re-member your perfection.
Go within and find yourself.
Go within and find your perfect self, your whole self.
You are the one you desire.
You are all you desire, all you could ever desire. You are all.
I inquire about Seshat.
He pours more diamond powder on me.
My locks become longer and thicker, more full. My gown is now of leopard skin, with long sleeves. I bear a staff with a falcon that transforms into a writing instrument.
You trance-scribe words of light.
You trance-scribe The Word.
You must see your writing chamber.
I am surrounded by stone walls, the Mtu Ntr.
I dip my plume into liquid gold, liquid light, the feather of Maat, words of light, sacred symbols.
These symbols of light are The Word.
They are light itself.
They have life within them.
They crawl across the page, they dance and sing.
They trance form.
The purpose of words is to trance form.
To help us to remember.
To restore us to wholeness.
To trance port us to our divine beginnings.
I am Seshat, bearer of the Word.
You, Jewelie, need only remember.
You, Jewelie, needed only to
To be restored to wholeness.
Re-stored to your proper vessel.
To your purest essence.
To your golden vessel.
You are the sacred shrine that encases the word.
The holy shrine whose walls reverberate with the sacred mantras.
Inscribed on your walls is truth itself.
Truth itself, inscribed, imbibed.
You have been a sacred shrine.
You have always been a sacred shrine.
You have always housed The Word.
House The Word.
Walk each moment as that sacred vessel of truth.
From the place of knowingness the purest truth of every moment will be revealed.
Walk, always, as that sacred shrine of truth,
All rights reserved
© Spooner 2009