WELCOME to Ile Sakhu Ebewa! Our virtual community... Join us in this vision to build towards its full implementation!
Finally we have acquired the land so that we can begin our journey towards freedom, independence, and awakening!
There are several houses presently available for stage one living (and beyond if desired). For the first nine months, the dwellings pictured below are available for immediate occupancy. Don't delay as they will be turned over on a first come first serve basis! Don't mind the people and other items shown, all dwellings are fully available. Open plots of land are also available.
Several other dwellings will be available just next door after 9 months. For those who desire more leg room you are free to relocate. Feel free to select a stage two dwelling now to be occupied after nine months.
Take the plunge: Please use the application form to sign up to join our community. Also, as soon as possible, please forward a profile photo and at least a few lines stating your vision and intentions in joining the Ebewa, and what you bring to the community! Feel free to include skills and training (ie. farming, herbology). Your dwelling selection will be finalized once your profile is complete.
WE LOOK FORWARD TO WELCOMING YOU TO OUR SACRED LAND! Stay tuned for details on the next trip to visit Ile Sakhu Ebewa!
Map of Intentional Communities Nationwide
Community members working the land and at the local market
1. Circular White: Please choose one of the two, left or right.
2. Mud Hut
3. Stone Enclave
4. Stick Home
5. Clay Abodes: All four shown are presently available- Painted left and right, background left and right.
6. Domed Hut
7. Pointy Top Village
STAGE TWO DWELLINGS These will be available in nine months